Pricing for Non-Weekend Pass Holders
To Compete in Any Contest, You Must Purchase a Full Weekend Pass
Other Options:
Friday All Day Pass – $55 (includes all day and evening workshops, shows/contests, group photo, social dancing and the pizza party.)
Friday Evening Pass – $40 (after 7 pm, includes the 7pm workshops, the pizza party, all shows/contests, social dancing, the group photo, and all activities.)
Friday Late Night Pass – $35 (after 11 pm, includes social dancing and activities.)
Saturday All Day Pass – $70 (includes all day and evening activities, costume parade, social dancing, all workshops except the lifts and drops workshops and the Mumfurious workshop, and all shows/contests. Does not include the midnight buffet.)
Saturday Evening Pass -$49 (after 7 pm, includes all evening activities, shows/contests, costume parade, social dancing. Does not include midnight buffet.)
Saturday Late Night Pass – $39 (after 11 pm, includes all social dancing and activities. Does not include the midnight breakfast buffet.)
Sunday All Day Pass – $40 (includes all day activities, social dancing, contests.)
Spectator Pass – $15 per day for Friday and Saturday. $10 on Sunday. (Allows friends and family to watch the shows/contests/activities. Does not include any social dancing, costume parades, pizza, buffets, or workshops.) Not available after 7 pm.